Our Services


Have any questions? We are always open to talk. 

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Medication/Somatic Treatment services are provided by the psychiatric doctor and include psychiatric evaluations, medication management, psychoeducation, and assessment of clients based on their needs and symptoms. Evaluations and interventions needed for effective mental health treatment are also provided as either an individual or group intervention. Medication/Somatic Treatment services include monitoring the side effects and interactions of medications and the adverse reactions a client may experience.


Counseling services are individual, group or family face-to-face services for symptom and behavior management; development, restoration or enhancement of adaptive behaviors and skills; and enhancement or maintenance of daily living skills.

Adaptive behaviors and skills and daily living skills include those skills necessary to access community resources and support systems, interpersonal skills and restoration or enhancement of the family unit and/or support of the family.


Mental health support and consultation services provided to Consumers’ families are reimbursable only when such services and supports are directed exclusively to the well-being and benefit of the Consumer.

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Community Support

Here at MBHC we provide resources to the society and aid clients toward growth and recovery, we also render support to clients through our different programs.